
Dining while abroad can feel as though you are tiptoeing around a minefield of unfamiliar rules.  Table manners are the ultimate way to show respect (or some accidental disrespect) to your gracious host.



Now it's time to learn how to eat.  Here are some of the very specific dining do's and don't's from around the world.


Slurp your food. / 吃東西時發出聲音

In Japan, most commonly when eating noodles and soups, slurping shows your appreciation of the food to the chef.  The louder the better!  You may also drink directly from the soup bowl -- spoons are uncommon.  Furthermore, never cross your chopsticks, lick your chopsticks, or stick your chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice.  It's considered very rude in Japan and many other Asian countries, including China.


Eat only with your right hand. / 只用右手吃飯

Sorry lefties -- in India, the Middle East, and some parts of Africa, it is considered unclean to eat with your left hand.


Don't offer to split the bill. / 不要分開結帳

In France, splitting the bill is considered the height of unsophistication.  Offer to pay the bill in its entirety or someone else will.


Bread is a utensil. / 麵包是餐具

In France, you are supposed to use two hands to eat -- either fork and knife or fork and bread.  Bread isn't meant to be an appetizer-- instead it serves to assist the food to the fork.  When you eat the bread, tear off a piece of it to eat instead of biting directly into the bread.  When not in use, the bread belongs on the table or tablecloth instead of the plate.

在法國,你完全可以用兩隻手吃飯——用刀叉或者是叉子加麵包。麵包在這裡並不是開胃菜——而是幫助把食物弄到叉子上面的工具。吃麵包的時候,慢慢的撕下,千萬別直接對著麵包咬。不用的時候,麵包是放在桌子或是桌布上的,別放在盤子裡。 images 3

Eat with your hands. / 用手吃飯

In Mexico, it is considered an almost snobby practice to use a fork and knife.


Don't touch any part of your meal with your hands. / 不要用手碰到任何食物

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In Chile, touching food with your hands is considered ill-mannered.  Yep, even fries! In Brazil, too, pizza and burgers are normally eaten with a fork and knife.


Don't ask for cheese. / 不要要起司

In Italy, never ask for cheese if it's not explicitly offered to you.  It's considered a sin to put extra cheese on top of your pizza -- and it's even worse to put it on seafood.


Don't ask for salt and pepper. / 不要要鹽或胡椒粉

In Portugal, if salt and pepper aren't already on the table, don't ask for them.  It's considered an offense to the chef's seasoning skills.


Don't put food in your mouth with a fork. / 不要用叉子把食物放在嘴裡

In Thailand, forks are used to push food into a spoon.  Also, it's unusual to use chopsticks -- they're considered tacky.


Be sure to belch and make a mess. / 記得打嗝和讓桌子亂糟糟的

In China, belches are considered an indication of your satisfaction and a compliment to the chef on a job well done.  Making a mess around the table serves a similar purpose, and leaving a bit of food leftover shows your host that he or she has provided you with more than enough food.

在中國,打嗝可以體現你的滿意,以及對廚藝的讚賞。桌子弄的亂糟糟也可以達到同樣的效果,別忘了再剩一點食物,這樣主人們就會知道給你們提供的食物夠分量了。 images 5

Don't bring yellow flowers to dinner. / 不要帶著黃花去吃飯

In Bulgaria, yellow flowers symbolize hatred.  Not the message (we hope) you're trying to send.


Never rest your hands in your lap while dining. / 吃飯的時候別把手放在膝蓋上

In Russia, it is considered polite to rest your wrists on the edge of the table -- not on your lap. Also, keep your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.


Don't use an individual plate. / 不要自己用一個盤子

In Ethiopia, individual plates are considered wasteful.  Food is always shared from a single plate without the use of cutlery -- just hands.



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