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 There’s this famous quote that can spark an interest to challenge yourself within you:

 “If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” -- Unknown




Of course, since every one of us has room for improvement, this can also mean if you don’t change yourself, then you can’t be responsible for changing your situation in life. You can never see any improvement in your life if you stick to your comfort zone. We all need a healthy dose of normal stress in our lives, after all. We can only see what we’re really capable of if we make the effort to go over our pre-conceived limits. Don’t limit the challenges you encounter in life - challenge the limits that your “lizard brain” crafted instead:



1. Learn a new language. 學一個新的語言。

Hangul, Nihonggo, French, Filipino, Mandarin, Spanish: these are just some of the languages you can discover as you strive to challenge yourself. Learning a new language isn’t just another way to pad your resume; if you really get into it, you can even use this skill to tutor on the side and earn extra cash.



2. Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently. 弄清自己害怕什麼,然後堅持嘗試一周。

If you’re in sales, and you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, then you have a problem. You can’t just relate with your clients online, can you? Now, instead of crippling in fear and automatically thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call to a prospect. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you may embarrass yourself. And yes, someone may hang up on you. But don’t stop on the first try just yet! You’ll get the hang of it eventually. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”



3. Take a class for a hobby you’ve been wanting to pursue. 報名培訓班學習一直想追求的愛好。


Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and de-stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and graphic designing online.


Aside from helping you challenge yourself now, taking a class for your hobby can also give you extra income if you learn how to monetize it. (You get plus points if you take the class with a loved one. This way, you combine bonding, boosting your income and challenging yourself.)



4. Attend one career-related seminar a month. 每月參加一場職場類研討會。

Don’t settle for your current job position. Aim high in your career. Of course, with that aim, include in your action, too. Book conferences that are relevant to the industry of your profession. There, absorb the lesson. Ask sensible questions. And don’t forget to connect with the attendees and the keynote speakers. Sometimes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” may be a reality.



5. Make a realistic budget and find out how you can cut back on something so you can invest more. 制定合理預算,想辦法削減某些部分,以便加大對其他方面的投資。

Challenge yourself to step out of your current budget and develop a better budget for yourself. Money management is not about what you make – it’s what you do with what you make.


- So, produce a budget on paper, or in an Microsoft Excel file.


- Identify the item you’ve been spending so much money on.


- Cut back on that item so you have more money to put in your emergency fund or in your investment fund.



6. Dedicate at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.


You don’t need to go to the gym, you know. A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood or an intense dance routine done in your living-room can do wonders for yourself. Aside from the obvious reason that exercise can help you maintain your regular weight or shed those unnecessary pounds, it can also aid in making you feel better about yourself by releasing endorphins.



7. Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.


We’re not talking about the expensive kind of travelling here. Something cost-effective like going to your local museum or visiting the resort in the next city can all count as travelling! Here, don’t just limit yourself to your fellow travelers – try to connect with the service staff, like the lifeguard, or the receptionist, or the tour guide. You never know what kind of people they’re going to be. Get out of your house or go online right now to book your class. Start now and learn to challenge yourself from time to time. We all need a little push once in a while.



資料來源: http://www.hjenglish.com/new/p613574/



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壽司  在日本常見的食物有哪些?


中華料理   [ちゅうかりょうり]    中華料理

日本料理   [にほんりょうり]  日本料理

ラーメン   拉麵

うどん       烏龍麵

焼きそば   [やきそば]       炒麵

そば     蕎麥麵

そうめん   麵線

春雨     [はるさめ]      冬粉

お粥     [おかゆ]           稀飯

すき焼き   [すきやき]       日式火鍋

焼き肉      [やきにく]       烤肉

から揚げ   [からあげ]       炸雞

焼き魚      [やきざかな]   烤魚

目玉焼き   [めたまやき]   煎荷包蛋

ゆで卵      [ゆでたまご]   煮雞蛋

酢の物      [すのもの]       醋拌涼菜

漬物     [つけもの]      醬菜

刺身     [さしみ]     生魚片

豚カツ       [とんかつ]      炸豬排

天ぷら      [てんぷら]       天婦羅

おにぎり   飯糰

梅干し      [うめぼし]       梅子乾

豆腐     [とうふ]     豆腐

味噌汁       [みそしる]       味噌湯

寿司     [すし]  壽司

牛丼     [ぎゅうどん]   牛肉蓋飯

カツ丼      [かつどん]       炸豬排蓋飯

親子丼      [おやこどん]   雞肉蛋蓋飯

天丼     [てんどん]       天婦羅蓋飯

カレーライス        咖哩飯

和菓子[わがし]     日本點心

お団子 [おだんご]       麻糬做成的點心

お饅頭      [おまんじゅう]            有包餡料的麻糬

インスタントラーメン           速食麵

カップヌードル    速食杯麵

食パン      [しょくぱん]   長條吐司

サンドイッチ  三明治

トースト   烤吐司

サラダ       沙拉

オートミール        燕麥

コーンフレークス             玉米片

ハンバーガー        漢堡

ピザ     披薩

フライドポテト    薯條

ポタージュ            濃湯

ホットドッグ        熱狗

クッキー   餅乾

チョコレート  巧克力

アイスクリーム    冰淇淋


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a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 二鳥在林, 不如一鳥在手


a blank slate 新的一頁,新的開始


a bone to pick 爭端,不滿


a cat nap 打個盹兒


a couch potato 懶鬼


a headache 麻煩事


a knock out 美得讓人傾倒


a load off my mind 心頭大石落地


a pain in the neck 苦事


a piece of cake 易事一件


a shot in the dark 瞎猜


a sinking ship 指企業或機構正在衰退


a slap in the face 公然受辱


a social butterfly 善於交際應酬的人


a thorn in someone's side 芒刺在背


a turncoat 叛徒


a weight off my shoulders 放下肩頭重擔


an ace up my sleeve 有驚奇或有秘密武器


ants in one's pants 坐立不安


back in the saddle 重整旗鼓


back on track 改過自新


backfire 弄巧成拙,適得其反


ball and chain 老婆


beat a dead horse 徒勞無功


beaten with an ugly stick 醜斃了


bet your life 你絕對錯了


better half 我的另一半


big headed 傲慢,自大


bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事要辦


bite the bullet 強忍痛苦


birds of a feather flock together 物以類聚


blow up in your face 事情完全弄砸了


break a leg 祝好運


break the ice 打破僵局


brown nose 討好,諂媚


bull in a china shop 笨拙的人,動輒弄壞東西的人


burst your bubble 打破幻想,煞風景


bury one's head in the sand 自欺欺人


butterflies in my stomach 心裡緊張,七上八下


buy the farm 過世了, 死了


cash in one’s chips 放棄, 退出


circle the wagons 嚴陣以待


clean up one's act自我檢點,自我改進


come down in sheets 傾盆大雨


cross the line 做得太過分了


cross that bridge when we come to it 船到橋頭自然直


cut to the chase 進入關鍵決定的一刻


daily grind 例行苦事,每天得幹的苦工


days are numbered 來日無多


dead center 正當中


dead-end street 死路,死巷子




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In our home we use lot of electrical equipment like TV, Freeze, Washing machine, Mp3 player, music system, computer laptop. But we have not adequate knowledge for how to use this electrical equipment in proper way.

在我們的家裡, 我們使用很多的電器設備, 比如電視, 冰箱, 洗衣機, MP3播放器, 音響設備, 筆電等, 但我們卻沒有足夠正確使用這些設備的知識.


Due to this ignorance we are paying more electricity bill which we are not actually use.

由於忽略了這些知識, 造成我們必須為我們沒有使用的電力多付出費用.


Energy consumption (and costs) 能源消秏


Do you know in actual we are consuming more electricity or paying more amounts what we actually not use it   ?

你知道我們實際上消秏了更多沒有使用的電力, 也為此付出了更多的電費嗎?


According to the energy auditors we can easily save between 5 and 10% of their energy consumption (and costs) by changing our behavior such as switching electrical equipment off at the mains rather than leaving it on standby, turning off lights when they’re not being used

根據能源計算師的估算, 我們可以由改變我們使用電器的行為而節省5%~10%

的能源消耗; 例如關閉電器設備的主要開關, 而不是將它設定在待用狀態, 關掉所有不使用的照明燈.


By saving Electrical energy will directly reflected to saving money so it is very necessary to under stood ghost unit or amount which we are paying without using the appliances.

節省電源就能省下金錢, 所以必須了解我們有哪些幽靈耗能及其總量, 這些是我們沒有使用卻一直在付費的部份.


The major appliances in your home — refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwashers — account for a big chunk of your monthly utility bill. And if your refrigerator or washing machine is more than a decade old, you’re spending a lot more on energy than you need to.

家裡的主要電器設備電冰箱、洗衣機、洗碗機就足以說明它們會占到你電費帳單的很大一部份. 如果你的電冰箱或洗衣機使用超過10年以上, 那你就會付出比你實際應支付的多更多.


Today’s major appliances don’t hog energy the way older models do because they must meet minimum federal energy efficiency standards. These standards have been tightened over the years, so any new appliance you buy today has to use less energy than the model you’re replacing. For instance, if you buy one of today’s most energy-efficient refrigerators, it will use less than half the energy of a model that’s 12 years old or older.

今日主要的電器設備不像早期產品那麼的消耗能源, 因為它們必須達到政府規定的最低效能標準. 這些年來所定的標準愈來愈嚴格, 所以你現在所買的新電器都比你要汰換掉的設備更節省能源. 舉例來說, 你在今時買的節能冰箱, 它所消耗的電力不到超過12年機齡舊冰箱的一半.



Lighting 照明                      

•Get into the habit of turning lights off when you leave a room. —-Saving Energy 0.5 %

     養成離開房間就關閉電燈的習慣- 節省0.5%的電力

•Use task lighting (table and desktop lamps) instead of room lighting.


•Take advantage of daylight


•De-dust lighting fixtures to maintain illumination—–Saving Energy 1 %


•Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL): 節能燈泡

  1. <!--[endif]-->CFL use 75% less energy than Normal bulbs.


  1. <!--[endif]-->CFL are four times more energy efficient than Normal bulbs.


  1. <!--[endif]-->CFL can last up to ten times longer than a normal bulb.


•Use electronic chokes. in place of conventional copper chokes.—-Saving Energy 2 %


•Use only one bulb for light fittings with more than one light bulb, or replace additional bulbs with a lower wattage version.

     使用一個燈泡的燈具, 或將多餘的燈泡都換成低瓦數的燈泡.

•Use energy-saving light bulbs that can last up to ten times longer than a normal bulb and use significantly less energy. A single 20- to 25-watt energy-saving bulb provides as much light as a 100-watt ordinary bulb.

     使用比一般燈泡壽命長10, 且低耗能的節能燈泡. 一個2025瓦特的節能燈泡所供應的照明度與一個100瓦特的普通燈泡是一樣的.

•Fit external lights with a motion sensor.



Save on Your Fridge & Freezer: 從冰箱及冰櫃節約能源

•Defrost your fridge regularly. 冰箱定期除霜

•Check that the door seals are strong and intact.


•Don’t stand Freezer’s Back Side too near the Wall.


•Avoid putting warm or hot food in the fridge or freezer—it requires more energy to cool it down.

     不要將溫熱或很燙的食物放入冰箱或冷凍室, 這樣將需要更多的電力去冷卻


•Clean condenser coils twice a year.


•Defrost your fridge regularly. When ice builds up, your freezer uses more electricity. If it frosts up again quickly, check that the door seals are strong and intact.

     冰箱定期除霜, 如果霜結凍後, 冰箱會需要更多的電力去運作; 除霜後如很

   快又結霜, 請檢查門上的封條是否堅固且無破損.

•Do not stand the fridge next to the oven or other hot appliances if you can help it. Also ensure there is plenty of ventilation space behind and above it.

     儘可能不要將冰箱置於爐子或其他熱能設備旁, 並請確保冰箱的上方及後方


•Keep the fridge at 40°F and the freezer at 0°F. Empty and then turn your fridge off if you go on a long vacation (but make sure you leave the door open).

     將冰箱設定在4°C, 冷凍室設定在-18°C; 如果你長期外出不在家, 請將冰箱清空, 關閉電源. (但請確認冰箱的門是開著的)

•Aim to keep your fridge at least three-quarters full to maintain

maximum efficiency. A full fridge is a healthy fridge.

     儘量將冰箱保持3/4滿的狀態, 使冰箱發揮最大的效能, 這樣滿度的冰箱才




Air Condition Unit 冷氣機

•For Home Purpose use Window unit Instead Of Split Unit.

     家用冷氣機應使用窗型冷氣機, 不要使用分離式冷氣機.

•For Office and Commercial Purpose Use Split AC instead of Window unit.

     辦公室或商業用途的冷氣機應使用分離式冷氣機, 而非窗型冷氣機.

•Consider installing a programmable thermostat. Just set the times and temperatures to match your schedule and you will save money and be comfortably cool when you return home.

     安裝可定溫定時的冷氣機, 當你回到家就可以依你設定的時間享受到舒適的


•Get air conditioner maintenance each year.


•Checks the condenser coils, the evaporator coils, the blower wheel, the filter, the lubrication and the electrical contacts.

•Replace worn and dirty equipment for maximum efficiency.

     將損壞又骯髒的設備汰換新品, 以求最大的使用效能.

•Replace air conditioner filters every month.


•Turn off central air conditioning 30 minutes before leaving your home.


•Consider using ceiling or portable fans to circulate and cool the air.


•Try increasing your air conditioner temperature. Even 1 degree higher could mean significant savings, and you will probably not notice the difference.

     試著將空調的溫度調高1, 即使只有1, 你可能都不會注意到它的差異,


•Buy the proper size equipment to meet your family’s needs – an oversized air conditioner unit will waste energy.

     購買適合你家庭大小需要的冷氣機, 買了超出需求的機種將造成能源的浪費.


Water Heater 熱水器

•Check your hot water temperature. It does not need to be any higher than 140°F for washing purposes.

     請檢查您的熱水溫度, 清洗用途並不需要超過60°C.

•Plug the basin or bath when you run any hot water.

     當你使用熱水時, 請將臉盆或浴缸塞住.

•Use a timer to make sure the heating and hot water are only on when needed.


•Insulate your hot water pipes to prevent heat loss, and your water will stay hotter for longer. Plus, you will also use less energy to heat it. And simply fitting a jacket onto your hot water tank can cut waste by up to three quarters.

     隔離你的熱水管,以防止熱量散失,而且你的水將保持更久的熱度。此外,您也將使用更少的能源來加熱, 另外簡單地安裝一個保護罩到您的熱水箱可以減少高達四分之三的浪費。

•Take showers—a bath consumes 5 times more hot water. Buy a low-flow showerhead for more efficiency and it will pay for itself in no time.

     採淋浴方式洗澡泡澡消耗5倍的熱水; 請買低流量蓮蓬頭以達更好的效能,也更經濟.

•Avoid washing dishes under hot running water, and do not pre-rinse before using the dishwasher.


•Repair dripping hot water taps immediately


•Make sure hot water taps are always turned off properly.



Washing Machine 洗衣機

•Wash full loads of Washing Machine—you will use your machine less often, saving time, and it is more energy-efficient.

     累積較多衣物再用洗衣機 - 你可以減少機器的使用次數,也節省時間,並且更節能.

•Wash at a lower temperature or the economy setting to save even more.


•Use the spin cycle, and then hang washing out rather than tumble drying—your clothes and linens will smell fresher!



•If you need to tumble dry, try a lower temperature setting.


•Use your dryer for consecutive loads, because the built-up heat between loads will use less energy.




Oven/Electrical Cooker 烤箱/電壓力鍋

•Make sure your oven door closes tightly.


•Use a microwave rather than conventional oven, when possible.

     可能的話, 使用微波爐而不是傳統的烤箱

•Keep the center of the pan over the element, and keep the lid on when cooking on the stovetop.

     將鍋子中心點置於熱源之上, 烹調時鍋子要蓋上鍋蓋.

•Only boil the amount of water that you need—just ensure there is enough water to cover the heating element. Turn the element or electric kettle down as soon as it reaches the boiling point.

     燒開水只燒你需要的量 -確保有足夠的水量覆蓋熱源器。只要它達到沸點就立刻關閉電源.


Computer / Laptop 電腦/筆電

•Buy a laptop instead of a desktop, if practical. —-Saving Energy 5 %.

     如果可行購買筆記本電腦取代桌上型電腦 - 可節能5.

•If you buy a desktop, get an LCD screen instead of an outdated CRT.


•Use sleep-mode when not in use helps cut energy costs by approx 40%.

     在不使用時設定睡眠模式, 有助於降低能源成本約40

•Turn off the monitor; this device alone uses more than half the system’s energy.

     關閉顯示器; 單獨此一設備使用超過一半系統的能源.

•Screen savers save computer screens, not energy.


•Use separate On/Off switch Socket Instead of One.


•Laser printers use more electricity than inkjet printers.





•A ceiling fan in operation through out night will gobble up 22 units in a month.

     整晚使用吊扇, 一個月下來將吞噬達22千瓦特電力.

•There is a wrong notion that fan at more speed would consume more current.


•Fan running at slow speed would waste energy as heat in the regulator.


•The ordinary regulator would take 20 watts extra at low speed.

     普通的穩壓器低速運轉, 將額外多消耗20瓦特的電力

•The energy loss can be compensated by using electronic regulator




Buy efficient electric appliances:購買高效家電產品

•They use two to 10 times less electricity for the same functionality, and are mostly higher quality products that last longer than the less efficient ones. In short, efficient appliances save you lots of energy and money.

     高效家電產品比低效率的使用少210倍以下的電力, 卻可達到相同的功能,而且大多是高品質的產品,也持續更長的時間。總之,節能電器節省你很多的能源和金錢

•In many countries, efficiency rating labels are mandatory on most appliances. Look Energy Star label is used.



Ghost consumers: 幽靈耗能

•Identify the “ghost consumers” which consume power – not because they are in use, but because they are plugged in and are in stand-by mode.

     識別“幽靈耗能”,它們消耗電力 - 不是因為他們都在使用,但因為它們都插在插座上,且在待機模式.

•The TV consumes 10 watt power when it’s is in stand by mode.


•The TV consumes 5 watt power when we don’t plug out from switch board.

     電視電源關閉但電源線未拔出插座, 會消耗5瓦的電源

•The cell phone charger uses 3 watt per hour when plugged.


•Mosquito mats consume 5 watts per hour.


•If you use an electric geyser, do not leave it in thermostat mode, for it causes standing losses of 1-1.5 units.







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定食 【ていしょく】套餐

弁当 【べんとう】便當, 飯盒

朝食 【ちょうしょく】早餐

昼食 【ちゅうしょく】午餐

夕食 【ゆうしょく】晚餐

夜食 【やしょく】宵夜

間食する 【かんしょくする】吃零食

おやつ 下午的點心

おかず   配菜

更多的相關用詞請連結 http://blog.xuite.net/ymcaedu1721/twblog/217126876




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 thFNOX6EJR  在日本留學生打工應注意些事情?


日本由於生活消費很高, 很多留學生都想利用課餘時間打工, 以補貼些許生活費, 根據統計, 目前在日本約有8成的留學生會在課後從事打工活動. 以下是你在打工前應該知道的事項:


  1. 留學生如計劃打工, 必須先在入管局申請資格外活動許可, 取得「資格外活動許可」後, 才可依其在留資格和身份, 擁有一定的工讀時數.

  2. 如果未申請「資格外活動許可」時, 本人和雇主均將受罰; 且留學生打工不得從事與風俗(特種)營業相關的工作.

  3. 留學生每週打工時間不得超過28小時, 長假期間每天8小時以內的打工為合法的打工時數.

  4. 打工的機會除了自行尋找外, 可透過前輩介紹; 有些學校也會將工讀之資訊公佈於公佈欄, 供學生參考.

  5. 各地的「公共職業安定所內外學生中心也能為持留學簽證的學生介紹工作機會.

  6. 三個月短期就學者不得打工.


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Whether you're the life of the party, a bookworm or a night owl, your personality plays a surprisingly large role in your ability to slim down. Follow this guide to discover your personality type and use your own characteristics to lose weight and keep it off for good.




If you're impulsive...



In a famous 1972 study, scientists offered young children a choice between a single marshmallow immediately or, if they could wait 15 minutes, two marshmallows. Those who waited went onto experience more success and higher SAT scores later on in life. The ability to delay gratification also relates to weight loss, says Art Markman, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Texas.


"People tend to be either a 'one-marshmallow person' or a 'two-marshmallow person.'" If you're struggling with weight loss, you are more likely a one-marshmallow person. Eliminating little temptations will help: stop stocking your pantry with junk food, and avoid the break room at work when you know there will be leftover treats.




If you're reliable...



Always on time? Follow rules by the book? It means you're conscientious, a trait that makes it easier to stick with an eating or fitness plan. However, whether you're conscientious or not, there's a paradox in that creating a plan forces you to think about food all the time, which can work against you.


The solution: create routines not specifically about dropping pounds that will still lead to weight loss, Markman suggests. For example, instead of driving your kids the mile to school, start walking with them.




If you're prone to mood swings...


The way you ride life's rollercoaster determines your emotional stability. "If you're emotionally excitable, things are either very good or the worst ever," says Markman. Some people are emotional eaters, so the more you're on the emotional rollercoaster the more likely you are to reach for food.


"The more excited you are in general, the more likely you are to take action, and eating is an action," says Markman. Learn to recognize your own ups and downs and try to take action in healthier ways, like calling a friend or sweating your stress away with a workout.




If you're quiet...



People who prefer curling up with a book over a night out at the bar may have a leg up on weight loss. "Introverts may have a more thoughtful, less impulsive style that enables them to consider their choices more rationally," says Heidi Hanna, Ph.D., performance coach and author of The Sharp Solution: A Brain-Based Approach for Optimal Performance.


Introverts are more likely to possess qualities that enable them to commit to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, both of which require restraint, difficult for more impulsive people, she says. Extroverts should plan ahead for situations that test willpower. If you know you're headed to a party, for instance, eat a healthy snack beforehand so you'll be less likely to scarf down junk.




If you're the life of the party...



Outgoing people tend to allow stress to accumulate to the point that's known as "amygdala hijack," says Hanna. This is where we utilize the more basic, primitive part of our brain versus our more human pre-frontal cortex. "The latter allows us to consider our longer-term goals and make healthier choices," says Hanna. This pleasure-based eating has been shown to trigger an addictive response that often leads to overeating high-calorie, high-fat comfort foods. "If you enjoy being the center of attention, try putting yourself in social situations that don't involve food," suggests Markman.

外向的人會讓壓力累計到一定程度,即所謂的“杏仁核劫持”,漢娜說道。這時,較之於更人性化的前額葉皮質,大腦中最基本最原始的部分更加活躍。漢娜說:“前額葉皮質確保我們思考長遠計畫並做出健康選擇。事實證明,為圖快感而吃東西會誘發上癮反應,進而導致過度攝入高能量高脂肪的安慰性食品。” “如果你希望受人關注,可以嘗試融入沒有食物的環境裡。”馬克曼建議說。



If you're often hard on yourself...


"People who lack self-compassion have a huge negative reaction every time they make a mistake," says Markman. "Those high in self-compassion simply move on and vow to not make the same mistake again." If you're hard on yourself, you're more likely to continue overeating after you're slipped up, since realizing you've overeaten leads to feelings of hopelessness. "If you're not self-compassionate by nature, you need to work on forgiving yourself," says Markman. Follow this advice to becoming your own best friend.“




If you're a night owl...



Staying up until the wee hours may wreak havoc with your waistline. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that people who were kept up until 4 a.m. ate 550 additional calories during their late night hours. What's more, a higher percentage of the late-night calories came from high-fat foods than they did during daytime hours.




If you're an early bird...



In an Australian study, participants who woke up early were less likely to be overweight than night owls -- even though both groups slept the same number of hours. Although this study involved young children, the results are likely applicable to adults as well, says Allen Towfigh, M.D., sleep specialist and neurologist affiliated with Weill Cornell Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. "If you love to sleep in, you may not be getting enough sleep, in which case you need to go to bed earlier to increase your total sleep time." Towfigh recommends adults strive for seven to nine hours of sleep per night.




If you're self-centered...


Being a little stuck on yourself may not be such a bad thing when trying to lose weight. "Self-centered people tend to consider their own interests, which could lead them to better conserve their energy and have more willpower to make healthy choices," says Hanna.


People-pleasers, on the other hand, may get overly stressed about helping everyone else and find themselves depleted at the end of the day. This often triggers poor food choices, says Hanna. Instead, practice being more "selfish" in asking for what you want and sticking to it without feeling guilty. Meet friends after your workout instead of canceling your exercise plans, or ask them to join you.




If you're ea sygoing...



People who go with the flow tend to be leaner than those who are more neurotic, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In some cases, however, this may backfire, says Markman. "Highly agreeable people may stress over failure because they're afraid of letting other people down. This stress can actually get in the way of successful weight loss, because stress makes it harder to resist temptation."



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Five reasons to visit Taiwan

Scenery Taiwan is a shutterbug's paradise. Running down the country’s spine is the Central Mountain Range, a magnet for mountaineers looking to scale east Asia's tallest peak, Yushan (Jade Mountain). Photographers are also drawn daily as Yushan’s peak is the perfect spot from which to catch a shot of the “sea of clouds” that sweeps over the mountains at dawn. Taiwan's beaches are beautiful as well, offering some of east Asia's finest surfing and windsurfing spots.

Running along a thin strip of land between the Central Mountains and the Pacific, Taiwan's East Coast Highway is easily one of East Asia's most beautiful spots for cycling. The Cycling in Taiwan website has information about trips, tours and bike rentals.


Cuisine Taiwan draws much of its culinary heritage from China, but to label it “Chinese food” is an oversimplification. When the first Han settlers came from China, the recipes and cooking styles they brought along met the ingredients and culinary traditions of Taiwan's aboriginal people, becoming something new and different. This new cuisine was further modified, first by new immigrants from other areas of China, and later by the Japanese who ruled the island for 50 years. Seafood, sweet potatoes, taro root and green vegetables cooked very simply are at the heart of many traditional Taiwanese sit-down meals, while roadside stands and night market stalls offer variety to those who enjoy eating al-fresco.

Perhaps the best place for foodies to taste what Taiwan has to offer is at the local night market. Which is best is a source of heated debate, but for our money the Keelung Night Market (about an hour from Taipei) is tops, offering both an excellent selection and plenty of signs in understandable (and sometimes amusing) English. 


Hot springs Being located on top of the geologically unstable “ring of fire” has one major upside – no matter where on the island you go, you are bound to be within shouting distance of an amazing natural hot spring. Taiwan is home to one of the globe's only accessible seawater hot springs, the Sunrise Spring on Green Island (a small island off the Southeast coast).

You do not even need to leave Taipei to soak: a quick hike from Taipei's Xin Beitou metro stop, you will find hotels and resorts that offer piped-in sulphur hot springs, said to be the all-around healthiest for the skin. There is also an excellent public hot spring. 

Two hours by train or bus from Taipei, the east-coast town of Jiaoshi draws hot-spring lovers from around the island. (There is even a hot-spring fed fountain outside the train station that folks soak their feet in). Jiaoshi's Art Spa Hotel has one of the town's best public spas, with multiple pools and Taiwan's only hot-spring waterslide.


Temples Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian temples abound throughout Taiwan, not merely as static tourist attractions, but as active centres of culture and worship. Must-see temples in Taipei include Longhsan and Guandu temples (both of which have their own metro stations). The southern city of Tainan is a must-visit for temple lovers, and if you are willing to take a 40-minute flight to the windswept Penghu archipelago, you will be able to explore dozens of East Asia's most gorgeously ostentatious – and least visited – temples. 

Past a small gate in the heart of Taipei's ultra-fashionable Ximending district lies the small but utterly fascinating Tien-ho temple (51 Chengdu Road), complete with statues of Matsu (goddess of the sea) and ancient Chinese generals, a bell tower and a small dragon-shaped pond filled with huge carp.


Museums Taiwan offers no shortage of activities for the erudite, and the capital's vibrant museum scene is yet another of its understated attractions. The most famous of these is the National Palace Museum in Taipei, which houses a sizable chunk of China's artistic heritage (taken -- or rescued, depending on who you ask -- by Nationalist troops fleeing China in 1949). So voluminous is this collection, which ranges from paintings and scrolls to ancient porcelain and statues, that only a fraction of it is ever on display at once. 

Taipei has dozens of other excellent museums catering to a wide variety of interests from modern art to religionto very, very tiny things.


本文擷取自 BBC Travel www.bbc.com/travel/feature/20110926

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Bookstores can be a destination upon themselves. From Venice to Mexico City, check out some of the most interesting book retailers out there.



1. Libreria Acqua Alta, Venice, Italy

義大利威尼斯 Libreria Acqua Alta書店

 1.意大利威尼斯 Libreria Acqua Alta书店

This bookstore features classic volumes of American and Italian books packed in traditional Venetian gondola boats. But the show-stopping attraction is the back of the bookstore, which opens up to a beautiful canal.


“It’s a bookshop right on the canal that floods every year, so theeccentric, stray-cat-adopting owner keeps his books in boats, bathtubs and a disused gondola to protect them,” writes Paris Review.


The store is also lauded for its extensive art and postcard collections.


2. John K. King Used And Rare Books, Detroit, Michigan

密西根州底特律 John K. King Used And Rare Books書店

 2.密歇根州底特律 John K. King Used And Rare Books书店

This houses more than a million books in an abandoned glove factory in Detroit's industrial wasteland.


Cardboard signs, musty paperback aromas, and a hand-scrawled map out of a Wes Anderson panic attack are your only tour guides as you lose track of time and the person you came with.



3. Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht, Holland

荷蘭馬斯特里赫特 Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen書店

 3.荷兰马斯特里赫特 Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen书店

This epic bookstore is a converted Dominican church from the 13th century. The serene alcoves of the church now serve as reading nooks.


"A superb example of adaptive re-use, the Selexyz Dominicanen infuses rich and historic architecture with plentiful shelves ripe with information," writes Diane Pham at inhabitant.com.

這是適應性重新利用的一個極好的例子,這家書店把很多富含資訊的書架與歷史燦爛悠久的建築融合到了一起。” inhabitant網站上的戴安這樣寫道。


4. Livraria Lello & Irmao, Porto, Portugal

葡萄牙波爾圖 Livraria Lello & Irmao 書店

 5.葡萄牙波尔图 Livraria Lello & Irmao 书店

This gorgeous, 100-year-old bookstore is known for its stunning architecture and "stairway to heaven."


"Once inside, there is the curvaceous red stairway connecting the two levels (inspired on the Parisian Galleries Lafayette), the heavily decorated walls and ceilings, and the magnificent stained-glass skylight with Lello’s motto decus in labore will no doubt impress you," one visitor writes on bookstoreguide.org.



5. El Ateneo, Buenes Aires, Argentina

阿根廷布宜諾賽勒斯 El Ateneo書店

 6.阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 El Ateneo书店

This bookstore is housed in an ornate theater building from the 1920's. Customers can sit in still-intact theater boxes to relax and browse their books.


"While the selection of books on offer is standard chain store fare, bibliophiles will find the staggeringly opulent display of books to be reason enough to pay El Ateneo Grand Splendid a visit," according to Atlas Obscura.

雖然所提供書籍的價格是標準連鎖店的價格,但是藏書愛好者們會覺得,這家書店裡那種華麗得不可思議的圖書展示方式值得他們前往。” Atlas Obscura網站上有人寫道。

6. Cafebreria El Pendulo, Mexico City, Mexico

墨西哥墨西哥城 Cafebreria El Pendulo書店

 7.墨西哥墨西哥城 Cafebreria El Pendulo书店

This bookstore and cafe has ample greenery inside.


"At once bar, cafe and bookstore, the Cafebreria El Pendulo offers a well air conditioned abode for reading and lounging, and living plants decorate the interior," The Huffington Post writes. 


7. Books & Books, Coral Gables, Florida

佛羅里達州科勒爾蓋布林斯 Books & Books書店

 8.佛罗里达州科勒尔盖布尔斯 Books & Books书店

This Miami-area bookstore is especially known for its great selection of art titles and is housed in a stunning building from the 1920's.


"No local author considers himself “made” until he’s read at Books & Books, and no lit-minded visitor considers a vacation complete until he’s browsed for autographed stock in at least one of the stores," CBS Local writes, adding that the store has constant special events.

當地的作家如果沒在Books & Books裡看到自己出的書就不會覺得自己成功,對文學感興趣的人,只有在商店裡流覽過有作者親筆簽名的圖書後才會覺得假期是完整的。”CBS Local 網站寫道,並補充說店裡經常有特別的活動。

8. Shakespeare and Company, Paris, France

法國巴黎 Shakespeare and Company書店

 9.法国巴黎 Shakespeare and Company书店

The original Shakespeare & Company on Paris' Left Bank was a hangout for Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and James Joyce, but closed during World War Two.


The store re-opened in 1951 and has become a popular favorite because of its ambience and selection.


"Time has not sundered the love-in between literature and Paris's Left Bank," writes Time. "The Shakespeare and Company bookstore has long been a fixture of the affair."



9. Politics & Prose, Washington D.C.

美國華盛頓特區的Politics & Prose書店

 10.美国华盛顿特区的Politics & Prose书店

This bookstore in the nation's Capitol is best-known for its amazing line-up of speakers. Past guests have included J.K. Rowling and Bill Clinton.


"Priding itself on its well-read staff and inside-the-Beltway speakers, this bookstore dating to 1984 makes its home in a nondescript neighborhood north of the Van Ness metro," writes Travel & Leisure. "Politics and Prose combines impressive on-site inventory with a pleasant downstairs cafe."



10. Bart's Books, Ojai, California

加利福尼亞奧海鎮 Bart's Books書店

 11.加利福尼亚奥海镇 Bart

Bart's books is the largest outdoor bookstore in the world, and is situated in a picturesque town in Southern California.


"Bart’s Books is a beautiful outdoor bookstore where you can sip lemonade in the courtyard surrounded by a maze of bookshelves, play a game of chess in the shade or read a short story under the apple tree," writes travel and lifestyle blogger Messy Nessy Chic.

這是一個美麗的戶外書店,你可以在書架環繞的院子裡喝著檸檬汁,在樹蔭裡玩象棋或在蘋果樹下看短篇小說。旅遊和時尚生活博客Messy Nessy Chic上寫道。


11. Corso Como, Milan, Italy

義大利米蘭 Corso Como書店

 12.意大利米兰 Corso Como书店

This gorgeous bookstore, named one of the 10 most beautiful in the world, doubles as a flea market and is sure to keep everyone entertained.


"Corso Como is a wonderful low profile high-end fashion, café, bookstore, and art hub in one of the nicer parts of Milan," a fan of the store writes on Yelp. "If you're not careful you can walk right past this place, but when you enter into its gates you know you are in for an experience."

“Corso Como是一個美妙的低調高端時尚區、咖啡館、書店和藝術中心,位於米蘭比較好的地段,一名該店的粉絲在Yelp上寫道。如果你不留心,你很可能就錯過了這個地方,但是當你進入它的大門,你就知道你是來體驗的。


12. Barter Books, Alnwick, UK.

英國阿尼克 Barter Books書店

 13.英国阿尼克 Barter Books书店

This shop used to be a train station, and miniature trains still go around the shelves. The architecture, which includes rounded ceilings and decorative lighting, is stunning.


"The books range from such categories as paperback and fiction, poetry and plays, history, philosophy or women studies to crime, biography, business and economics and even such topics as transport, maritime, gardening, needlework, etc.," according to bookstoreguide.org.

書的種類很廣泛,有平裝書,有小說、詩歌和戲劇、歷史、哲學、女性研究、犯罪、傳記、商業、經濟,甚至包括交通、海運、園藝和刺繡等。” bookstoreguide.org 網上寫道。

"Barter Books also has open fires in the winter, a station buffet with a menu made up of home-made and/or locally sourced food (both hot and cold) and speciality coffees and teas, and a children's room filled with toys," according to the guide.







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These are roughly 28,835 Jelly Beans. I counted out five hundred of them, and used those to weigh the rest. In this pile, there's one Jelly Bean for each day that the average American will live. You might have more beans in your life, or maybe less, but on average, this is the time we have.

Here's a single bean. It's your very first day. A special day, but kind of a rough day on everyone involved. Add 364 more and you have the first year of your life.

Now for a sense of scale, here are your first fifteen years: 5,475 days, which brings us to the threshold of adulthood. And at that moment, this is the time that we have left.And this is, on average, what we will do with all that time:

We'll be asleep for a total of 8,477 days. If we're lucky, some of that time we'll be sleeping next to someone we love.

We'll be in the process of eating, drinking, or preparing food for 1,635 days.

We'll be at work, hopefully doing something satisfying for the equivalent of 3,202 of those days.

1,099 days will be spent commuting or travelling from one place to another, maybe a little bit more if you live in LA.

On average we'll watch television in one form or another for a total of 2,676 days.

Household activities, like chores and tending to our pets and shopping will take another 1,576 days.

And we'll care for the needs and well-being of others, our friends and family, for 564 days.

We'll spend 671 days bathing, grooming, and doing all other bathroom related activities.

And another 720 days will go to community activities like religious and civic duties, charities, and taking classes.

After we remove all those beans, this is what remains. This is the time that we have left.Time for laughing, swimming, making art, going on hikes, text messages, reading, checking facebook, playing softball, maybe even teaching yourself how to play the guitar.

So what are you gonna do with this time?How much of it do you think you've already used up?

If you only had half of it, what would you do differently? What about half of that?

圖:yahoo    文:http://www.youtubelearn.com/

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W.C.」(water closet)是以前的講法來自英國,現在幾乎沒有人使用。美國一般稱為rest room bath room。在飛機上則叫lavatory

另外,john (j為小寫,John是男人的名字)也有廁所的意思,通常是指戶外的臨時廁所或流動廁所。


Do you know where bathroom is



最普遍的說法是to urinate [ˋjʊrə͵net] (名詞是urination)

to piss = to take a leak = to empty = to void

小孩多半用to pee表示。


I have to piss / take a leak. 我要上廁所。

The boy needs to pee. 小男孩要上廁所。




一般是用 to make a bowel movement to have a bowel movement

bowel [ˋbaʊəl]movement 活動,運動

to defecate[ˋdɛfə͵ket] = to take feces.[ˋfisiz]

小孩常用to make a poo poo 來表示。


pee or poo? 拉屎還是尿尿? pee [pi] poo [pu]

The patient needs to make a bowel movement.




常用to expel gas to fart to make gas來表示。

expel [ɪkˋspɛl] 排出,噴出(空氣等)



Do you have regular bowel movement是否正常排便?

My urine is cloudy and it smells strong. 我的尿很濁而且味道很重。

尿有泡沫.have pus/air in urine.

便秘have constipate

拉肚子have trouble with diarrhea.

大便很臭.had a stinky BM.

大便檢查 stool exam

尿液檢查 urine test









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Happy Valentine's Day!  情人節快樂!


西洋情人節的由來                                       Valentine  





而為何後來二月十五日的牧神節,演變成二月十四日的聖范倫坦斯日(St. Valentine's Day),紀念基督教的殉道者范倫坦斯?是因為到了公元二百七十年羅馬反對基督教,許多基督徒遭受迫害致死。當時皇帝克勞多斯(claudius)禁止士兵婚嫁,而有個基督徒范倫坦斯不僅反抗皇上禁令,拒絕敬拜羅馬神祗,並且秘密的替未婚男女舉行婚禮,因此被逮捕,入獄,並於二月十四日被砍頭。









歐陽修(生查子)云:去年元夜時,花市燈如晝;月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 辛棄疾(青玉案)寫道:眾裏尋它千百度,暮然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處。就是描述元宵夜的情境,而傳統戲曲陳三和五娘是在元宵節賞花燈相遇而一見鍾情,樂昌公主與徐德言在元宵夜破鏡重圓,《春燈謎記》中宇文彥和影娘在元宵訂情。所以説元宵節也是中國的“情人節”。


西方情人節送巧克力的起源和意義     valentine3




214號,一定是女性向男性送禮物,禮物多半是巧克力。由於不好意思直接表達自己的感情,女性們就不是只單送一個人送巧克力,而是同時買幾份巧克力,送給不同的男性,其中的一個是自己的意中人。再演變,變成了所謂義理巧克力,就是把巧克力當作一種人情,送給自己公司裡的上司,同事以及各種給過自己幫助的人們。最後在很多公司裡變成了人手一份巧克力的風氣。女同事必須向男同事送巧克力。否則就會脫離群眾。很多OL們為了這個情人節而頭痛,心痛,花錢的痛……然而,男同事是不是會輕鬆一些呢?回答是不會,因為為了還這個214號的情,日本人又弄了一個314----White Day (所謂的白色情人節),這一天,男性們要加倍地把吃掉的巧克力變成糖果,餅乾,紅茶,手絹等還回去。214號的情人節,真正高興的應該就是--巧克力廠商了。







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